Away and Back Again

So this week saw Eli and I once again without Dave as he set off to California for work. He was basically gone 5 days this trip, but honestly, both Eli and I agreed, for some reason this time it felt so much longer. We’re just glad he’s home. I slept better last night than I have since he left which was a relief for sure.

But in keeping with tradition, Dave can’t travel and not have shit go wrong at home.

First, Eli’s phone went missing at school. We’re pretty sure someone took it out of his backpack while he was playing soccer. Just in case, we went back to the field and searched in the dark with flashlights, but alas, no luck. We just stopped at the store and got him his replacement. He really had his heart set on a different phone than he had before, and being giant suckers we caved. It was way more than I wanted to spend, but I justified it in my mind with the fact that he’s really getting great grades this quarter and deserved a reward. Yeah, that’s the ticket…

Then came the high pitched squealing from our storage room. We could not figure out what in the world could possibly be making the gods awful noise, so Eli was stuck living with it while he was downstairs playing video games. Turns out it was just something that needed resetting – took Dave like two minutes to fix it. 🤦‍♀️

The worst part – the trip he took was quite literally totally useless. There was one clusterfark after another, and in the end they got nothing accomplished. So not only was it a wasted 5 days without him, HE’LL HAVE TO GO BACK AGAIN! 🤬 Guess you can’t tell how I feel about that.

But for now everything is back to being right with the world.

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