A Year In Review

So today marks seven years since that horrible day when it all nearly came to a screeching halt. The year’s been full of it’s up and it’s downs.

This year is the first year I am able to say that I’ve been home for the whole year. I’ve enjoyed my time being my own tremendously, but it does get lonely sometimes. I miss my colleagues and those interactions, even if I don’t find myself missing the work all that much.

This is the year I published my book. A life long dream come to fruition because I finally had the time to do it. I mean, not much came of it – a handful of people bought it, even fewer read it, but I did it and I’m still proud of that.

Having lost my old psychiatrist to illness, this year saw me seeing a new doctor. I was hesitant at first, but it turned out to be a godsend. I’d had my old doctor since only a few months after I left the hospital so I was used to him and not thrilled about a change. But, as it turns out, my meds could have been much better managed, and now they are. I’ve finally gotten a huge chunk of my anxiety under control which has been a relief.

Recently I’ve started trying to spread my wings a little more. Getting my home office back and working on crafting projects is part of it. Reconnecting with old friends and colleagues and getting out of the house more is part of it. Next up, working on getting more comfortable with driving again. That one’s going to be a tall order I think, but it’s next on my agenda.

Yesterday I did some coloring for the first time in like 4 years. I packed all my art supplies into a beautiful basket to take with me to Pittsburgh next week. Dave helped me make a new template for cutting out the t-shirt squares for the other side of the blanket I am looking to finish.

Today I’m planning to work some on cutting the squares. But frankly, I plan to spend a good bit of today contemplating all that this day means to me. Sometimes it’s good to really let yourself be in the moment and be grateful for everything you have, including life itself.

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