Leave It To Fate

We don’t always choose who we love.

I’m inspired to talk about this as I sit here and pet my cat, Tybalt.

I didn’t want him. Oh don’t get me wrong, I wanted a cat. We had gone to look at a rescue kitten I was VERY interested in. I have always wanted a long-haired cat, and there was a grey, long haired, polydactyl kitten looking for a home. That checks so many boxes for me that it seemed like destiny. However, said kitten was very, very shy, so they brought another kitten in as well in the hopes of drawing out his scared little self.

That didn’t work. That poor little cat squished himself as far back under the chairs in the corner of the room as he possibly could and looked absolutely terrified. I was still enamored. So he was shy. We’d had shy cats before, and with some love and attention he would likely warm up. He was beautiful and adorable and everything I wanted.

Then there was this other kitten. Also grey. Also, polydactyl. But that obnoxious little jerk was all over the place. There was a cat tower in the room we were in and he was going crazy, crawling up it, rolling over it, batting the toys on it. He was crawling into the arms of both Eli and Dave and loving on scritches and attention. They were both in love. I warned Dave – this cat is going to be a hellion. He’s going to climb everything and get into everything and you’re going to be completely annoyed by it. He was undeterred. In the end I lost out against their majority vote.

And from the very second we brought him home he has been my baby through and through. There is undoubtedly no one in this world he loves more than me, and I adore him beyond words. So funny how that worked out – he was always meant to be mine. (and for your viewing pleasure, baby Tybalt in my lap on day one home)

And, now I know it seems crazy to compare the two, but quite frankly I didn’t really choose my husband per se either. I really liked Dave from the moment I met him, but he was “taken” at the time (for more on that story I’m sorry, but you have to go read the book!! Available at Amazon!!) so I really didn’t consider the idea of being with him. But like the Elvis song says, “some things are meant to be.” In the end, through wacky messed up circumstances (read the book!), I ended up “taking him home,” and he has been the love of my life ever since.

So to come back to my original point, we don’t always choose who we end up loving. Sometimes fate chooses them for us. And sometimes fate has the right idea. ❤️

Wait, What Were We Talking About? on Amazon:


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