To Sleep?

My battles with insomnia are well known to anyone who knows me or reads this blog. The strangest thing I find about it is that it is not consistent over time.

Like, I always have SOME form of insomnia, but the flavor changes itself up from time to time. Sometimes it’s the “can’t fall asleep” flavor. Other times it’s the “can’t stay asleep” flavor. Sometimes it’s a little bit of both (and that REALLY sucks.) It’s weird to me that my body can’t just pick one and stick with it.

Lately I’m in a “can’t stay asleep” phase. I’m out like a light by no later than 11, but then 2:30 or 3:00 rolls around and I’m like the pop-up timer on a Thanksgiving turkey.

Then I’m stuck awake until about 5:00 or 5:30, at which point I’m exhausted and ready to fall back asleep. Which would maybe be ok if not for the fact that I get up at 6:45ish to get Dave and Eli ready and out the door. At least I can usually nap in the morning, except when the dogs decide to be extra noisy and fidgety. But even then, after a few days of less-than-stellar sleep amounts, I can beg off getting up early one morning and sleep in to catch up, and I’m good. The joys of not having to go into an office.

I’ve tried ALL KINDS of sleep meds – seriously, it’s ridiculous. I’ve tried wine. Recently I’ve just started experimenting with gummies, though not nearly enough of that to know of it’s actually going to work or not (as in like, I tried them once.)

So far? No dice with any of it.

But you wanna know the worst part about being awake at 3am? I’m a huge introvert, but for some ungodly and cruel reason, 3am is when I suddenly want to talk to people. And everyone is asleep. That’s just unfair. I need to make some friends on the other side of the world, lol.

But hey, if you’re on this side of the world and find yourself awake at 3am, text me! We can chat, lol.

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