An (Un)healthy Week

So it’s been one heck of a week in the health of the Panek household.

On Monday we found out our cat Alton needs major eye surgery. He’s had a problem with his one eye for quite a while, and despite multiple trips to the vet, it just keeps getting worse. It went rapidly down hill last week so Monday saw Dave at the pet ER with him. He got an Opthalmology consult while he was there and they determined they probably need to remove the eye. 😔. So poor Alton will become Pirate Kitty. And poor us because the cost of the ER visit plus the surgery is on the order of $4k. Yeah, you read that right. But there really is no choice. It’s this or put him to sleep despite it just being his eye (and otherwise him being healthy,) because he’ll likely die of an infection if we don’t do something. So that was our Monday. Yippee.

Cut to Wednesday – Dave woke up feeling like garbage. One test later and tada – covid. Eli and I followed suit on Thursday. We managed to make it three and a half years without getting it only to all get hit within 24 hours. The good news is all of us seem to have a very mild case. Dave is already feeling better, if not 100%. Which is good because he doesn’t often get ill, but when he does it’s usually pretty bad. Thankfully not this time. Eli and I both had only mild symptoms to start with, so we’re feeling okay, again if not 100%. We both basically feel like we have a little bit of a cold. So all in all, for covid, I guess we can’t complain.

But come on universe, all in one week?

Unfortunately it means I have to miss my hair appointment tomorrow, which sucks because I’ve really been looking forward to it for over a week. But obviously it’s not the end of the world, I rescheduled for a week from now after I’ll be completely free and clear. Guess it just gives me one more week to keep deliberating on exactly what I’m gonna do.

And we have to miss my sister’s Special Olympics event on Saturday, but at least there’s another event we can go to in November instead. It’s sucks that the event is on a Sunday so we may miss our weekly D&D game, but again, could be worse.

And, thank goodness, the doctor said Eli will be cleared to go back to school in plenty of time to not miss his field trip to the zoo next week. He’s been looking forward to it for a month and was in tears when he thought he wouldn’t be able to go.

Hopefully that will be the end of our excitement for this week. I think that’s more than enough!

One thought on “An (Un)healthy Week”

  1. When it rains, it pours🫤 I think the worse thing about COVID is the lingering fatigue that some get. Just be kind to your body and rest. Oh wait, fatigue was second…losing my hair was traumatizing. Not a normal after effect but I cried every day as I watched gobs of hair go down the drain. I’m told that prolonged fever can cause that whether it be the flu or COVID.

    Sorry about the kitty. The emergency vet prices are, tn my opinion, veterinary price gouging and they take advantage of vulnerable people.
    Hang in there!

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