Happy, Happy

So often when I write here it’s about not good stuff, but I’ve had a good run of days so I thought I’d share some positivity for a change.

It all started 2 weeks ago with what could have been a disaster. I had 5 days in a row of peopleing to do, and two of those days included driving as well. I was very apprehensive about getting through all of that in one piece. In the end it all worked out perfectly fine, even the party I went to (willingly, even!) where I didn’t know most of the people there, which normally would have freaked me out.

Then I got a week where Dave worked from home more days than normal, which was great. It’s always nice to be able to have lunch with him and even get a little snuggle time in before he has to go back to his office and work. And while the house is still quiet while he’s here working in his home office, it’s quiet in a less quiet way than when he’s not home. I don’t know if that makes any sense to you but it makes sense to me, lol. I like the less-quiet quiet the best.

Then the coolest thing ever happened to me. I got up the courage to write to Jenny Lawson and ask if she would like a signed copy of my book since I mentioned her in it. I never expected a positive response but she wrote back and said she would love a copy! I know she may never read it, and even if she does she may never say anything about it publicly to promote it, but just the fact that she has it tickles me to death. It’s the coolest thing that’s happened so far with the book.

Then we kicked off my birthday weekend. Again, this could have been fraught with disaster. There is a long-standing history of my birthday is not going well for one reason of the other, but this year was a wonderful weekend.

We started off with dinner at Cheesecake Factory on Friday. We basically never eat there and I’m not really sure what compelled me to pick it but in the end it was a great dinner so I’m glad I did. I mean, how can you go wrong with cheesecake?

While we were out to dinner, I got notice that my author’s website was finally live. It has been months going back and forth working on it to get it just how I wanted it. To finally see it up and running was very gratifying. And I love how it turned out so it was well worth all the work. If you want to check it out you can at www.tiffanipanek.com.

Then Saturday we got up and met with some of my closest friends for breakfast, then all traveled to a local winery. We had a blast!!! What we anticipated would be maybe an hour of wine tasting turned into three hours of wine and chatting and relaxing together. I haven’t had that much fun or been that happy in a long time. It was a great afternoon. Then Saturday night Dave took me out to a new restaurant we hadn’t yet tried and we had a super yummy dinner to finish off the awesome day.

Sunday, my actual birthday, was fairly typical for a Sunday for us – we had lunch together, then we played D&D, then we had dinner. I had shrimp and scallops and crab cake, oh my! It was a delicious Maryland-style finale to a great weekend of food and fun. It may not have been anything out of the ordinary, but it was perfect in its ordinariness.

So all in all a really good couple of weeks. I don’t expect quite so much excitement going forward but hopefully I can at least keep the momentum of a better mood going. Fingers crossed!

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