Shit’s Getting Real

So a few days ago I made a huge decision. Really kind of out of the blue. I was chilling at home on a random weekday when I suddenly started thinking about my book. And just thought, let me go ahead and look into publishing through Amazon. (I know, the Devil.)

I easily found the web page for direct publishing through Amazon which had a phone number listed for contacts. (It’s about the only thing on Amazon where you can easily find a phone number apparently.) I called and immediately got connected with someone. They were a plethora of information. It was kind of overwhelming on honestly, but far, far more feasible than I ever would have expected. It gave me a lot to think about.

So I chatted with Dave about it and he was all in favor. I kept stewing.

Then they followed up with me about a week later with an even better deal on getting everything done from editing, and formatting, all the way through publishing online and in print (to order.) It was almost literally too good to be true. How could I pass that up? Was I going to let my anxiety about moving forward make me miss such a great opportunity??

In the end, with Dave’s encouragement, I decided to go forward. So now shit gets real. There’s one chapter that needs a little work before I can consider the manuscript complete, but I’m hoping to get that taken care of this week and then it’s off to the editors. 😳

Then the work begins.

So here’s to the next phase of this journey, 7 years in the making. Better late than never?

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