Why Do One When You Can Do 2?

Two posts in two days? Everybody kiss your family goodbye because it’s clearly Armageddon.

Since I spent my last post talking about the blog I thought I’d bring folks up to date on the book scene. I started another book. I got this idea for a paranormal/superhero fiction book involving a main character who completely doesn’t fit the mold of what we expect of superheroes. And then combining that superhero genre with the paranormal genre because I feel like that’s something that’s pretty under utilized.

I got two chapters written pretty quickly but then life kind of intervened. I’m on vacation this week in the middle of the nowhere mountains of northern New York, and with tablet on hand I’m hoping to get some more work done on it.

As for book 1, I feel like I’m about three chapters away from wrapping it up. Then I’ll send it off to any volunteering beta readers to be ripped to shreds, LOL.

So, I feel like progress. I still don’t feel like an author because I feel like that definition indicates that you’ve actually publish something (aside from a random children’s book that no one’s ever heard of and no one will buy because it was created on the site not meant for mass distribution and therefore costs an arm and a leg,) but I’m starting to feel a little more confident calling myself a writer.

So yeah, this is a pretty short one but I wanted to bring you up-to-date on the latest in the “professional” Tangent Girl world.

But it’s 1:40 am vacation or not I really should try to force myself to get some sleep. Night night everyone.


Like what you read here? Well there’s plenty more where that came from!! Go check out the many other posts about syringe lickers and bunny assassins and surviving if not always thriving with depression & anxiety and deranged Christmas shoppers and more!

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